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  6. Shutter Cuts & Iris

Shutter Cuts & Iris

To visualize shutter cuts, make sure Show is checked. You can adjust shutters with sliders that show you real-time adjustments. This option is perfect for visually matching cuts to scenery. You can also drag shutters via a control point right in the drawing or enter a depth and rotation in Obj Info. In 2D All shutters are dragged on the face-plane, however in 3D a shutter control point to snap to an object on any plane. This is useful when cutting to a multi-tiered set. 

The Shutter Plane menu allows you to choose where shutter cut control points display in the drawing. Choose between Face, Floor, or your custom cut planes.

The default option of Screen Angles allows you to specify shutter racks based on the top / plan angle you want for the cut. Disabling the option shows you the angle of the cut with respect to the actual gate, providing more accurate previsualization of your shutter cuts. 

For another real-world analog, you can now rotate the gate by using the slider or inputting a value. 

There is also an iris slider, based on percentage.

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