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  3. BeamViz 6
  4. Workflow
  5. Adjusting Parameters
  6. Focus Area

Focus Area

Orientation relates to how the beam is cut, or how 2D the oval is drawn. Horizonal is the default option, it cuts the beam straight across at the face plane. Aligned cuts the beam on a plane perpendicular to the beam at the focus point.

Face Plane refers to the height of the plane on which beams are drawn. Usually 6′-0″ or 5′-9″.

Show Floor will show the beam at the 0’-0” plane.

Width at Focus refers to the width of the beam at the focus point.

Additional cut plane Draws a cut plane at any level. Useful for checking obstructions or coverage at unusual heights. The use a negative value to view a plane below the 0’-0”plane, for example to cut off the audience below the stage level. BeamViz supports unlimited additional cut planes, they can be toggled between using the navigation arrows.

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