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  3. BeamViz 6
  4. Workflow
  5. Adjusting Parameters
  6. Location


You’ll want to make sure your beam is being calculated from the correct height with the Hanging Height parameter.

If you have lighting positions with z height values, press the Pickup Height button to detect the height.

Use Re-trim position height to change the hanging height while maintaining tilt / angle to face, adjusting the plan distance. Some use-cases include maintaining side light angles when duplicating beams to electrics of different trims, or transferring shows to venues with different trim heights.

Use Distance to Clamp to drop (positive distance) the origin of the beam below the position to its focal point. When adding a BeamViz object to a Lighting Device, BeamViz uses the Lighting Device’s 3D geometry to determine this value.

Yoke Angle determines how the light hangs, with 0 being a normal, underhung unit, 90 yoking straight forwards, and 180 overhung. When changing the Yoke Angle, the location of the focus point remains constant, adjusting tilt, throw, and angle to face acordingly.

The Rotation parameter sets the orientation of the light as it hangs, and is from where the pan will be measured. This becomes useful for 3D visualization.

The main x/y coordinates represent the focus point. The coordinates of the light are found under Instrument X / Y.

The z coordinate of the object represents the bottom of the focus area.

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