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  3. BeamViz 6
  4. In Detail: Menu Commands
  5. Converting BeamViz to Spotlight Lighting Devices

Converting BeamViz to Spotlight Lighting Devices


This command allows you to insert Spotlight Lighting Devices or instrument symbols for each of the beams. You can easily match beam angles to unit types.


  1. Select the BeamViz objects you wish to convert. If no beams are selected, the command converts all beams on the current layer.
  2. A dialog will ask you to match each field angle with a symbol in your document. There is also a set of symbols whose field angles are close to your selected beam. Screen Shot 2019 08 04 at 10.17.25 AM
  3. Choose if you want the symbols aligned to the drawing grid and rotated to the nearest 90°.
  4. Any channel and purpose data entered into your BeamViz objects will be transferred to your Lighting Devices, along with focus, hanging height, shutters, bottle rotation, and all the default values from the symbol’s Light Info Record.
  5. You have the option to link the Lighting Device to your BeamViz object. Any changes to the BeamViz object will push to the Lighting Device. BeamViz will also pull changes in position from the Lighting Device. Note this is not automatic, and you will need to manually refresh the BeamViz Object. If you do not want that to happen, check “Ignore location changes” (this is useful when working with lights not in true plan position, such as on a vertical position). Also note that changing beam and field angles will not automatically change the instrument type.
  6. You have the option to create a Spotlight Focus Point at the focus point for each beam. The Convert command will first look for existing focus points at the given location and position, and if found assign the Lighting Device and BeamViz Object to those points.
  7. You can create Lighting Devices on any layer. This can be useful if you have stored each system of beams in its own layer and are in the process of converting your rough plot to Lighting Devices.

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